Plenty of mobility tonight followed by a 6 minute ab session of windmills and flutter kicks. The main workout was an ascending and descending ladder of Bent Press with running in between.
1-10 10-1 Manmakers ( Renegade row L&R, Pressup, Knee to elbow L&R) works best working with partner and taking in turns doing one then two and so on. If no partner then try resting 5 seconds after 1, 10 seconds after 2, 15 seconds after three etc....
Mixed it up tonight with a descending ladder of hand to hand swings with various movements in between to hit pretty much everything. Good work everyone.
It's a little bit late due to the weather but the KBC Easter Bunny was back! 33 various size kettlebells were distributed around the playing field and the aim was to retrieve as many as you could in 25 minutes. Each time you bought one back you had to complete one of the four workouts with it. All four workouts had to be completed before you started again with your workout choice. Kg counted as points so the most kg's bought back from the men and women won an Easter egg. Well done to Nick and Hayley for getting top marks!
Plenty of warm up and mobilisation this morning then a 5 minute ab session. The main workout was done in pairs with two kettlebells. One person works while the other rests. Aiming to get three to four sets done each. All exercises were done by one of the pairs before the other takes their turn. Brutal but effective!
Started with something a little different tonight and did the good old bleep test. 20m markers and you move between them in time to the bleeps until you can't make the markers any more. Then on to ladder work or just heavy sets depending on what people wanted to do. First exercise was renegade rows and then clean and jerks.
Just a reminder to everyone that KBC will be in Longparish Community Hall on Bank holiday Monday as John Hanson School is closed. Hope to see you all there.
We started tonights session with a run round the field to check it out ready for the summer then did some stair work. After that it was into the hall for a four minute ab routine to make sure we were fully warmed up. Then onto the main workout which is fair to say had a real sting in its tail!! Everyone worked really hard tonight with what was a pretty nasty workout. Good work team.